Aug 9, 2009

Web Comic and Boeing And a happy song!

I have been working diligently on my web-comic. Which everyone really likes. Yey for me!
Here's the rough sketches of the pages, and the link to the site.

This page is going to be a special "Flash Interactive" page. Meaning, in the Mid left panel will have a button on it that the viewer can push and Galvatron will stomp in a 2 frame animate while Cyclonus is speaking. And the bottom panel will feature a sound byte embedded in the text. Where the reader can click the text like a button and hear the word.

Aaaand here is some artwork I have done for my position at Boeing - something different for a change.

And a happy little song - it's linked to a YouTube upload audio. :D

Tell me something I don't know!
Show me something I can't use!
Push the button!
Connect the goddamned dots!
Live-in thief in my bedroom bathroom
Commodity, sodomy, glass autonomy
Promise everything, take it all away
Give it a rest!
You're lying through your teeth
You're lying through your teeth
Who what which why who
When did you say the earth would stop turning?
When did you say we would all start burning?
When should I make a pledge?
Should I listen to the voices in my head?!
Connect the goddamned dots!
Connect the goddamned dots!
Connect the goddamned dots!
Who am I trying to impress?!
Who could care less?!
Tell me something I don't know!