This is Meria (which roughly translates into "Rebellious" for an African girl name) She is for an idea of a game that I dreamed up. It is an RPG centered around the idea of dream of an alternate universe: one where humans were not the ones to evolve. Instead, other creatures evolved, like Hyenas, Lions, Elephants, and other things. This story focuses on the conflict of 2 top predators of the African plains, the Hyenas and the Lions. Although evolved into more ... humanoid type forms. They still wage brutal war against each other, as they always have, even when they were the beasts we currently know them as. Somewhere along the line the "Player" (meaning you) gets transported into this alternate universe. You encounter 2 key characters - Meria the fiesty and firey Hyena, and a Lone male Lion (whom I am still developing as a character atm ...) Your job is to hopefully bring a truce between these 2 creatures and make them work together to stop the Shadow Nemesis that threatens to destroy the world and the fabric of Space and Time itself! I was thinking it could translate into an MMO RPG someday, but I'm not going to go that big with it yet.
Meria is a Spotted Hyena, she is a Prey Stalker for her clan. She is strong willed and very independent. Her main duties are to hunt prey and scout the land and follow the herds. Her travels can take her a considerable distance from Clan territory. She is quite inquisitive and delights in learning new things. Being a Hyena, she detests the Lions. Her mother was killed by the Stillwater Pride. She has vowed vengeance on them.
I wanted to keep Meria's clothings simple, yet in an African Tribal plains fashion. Something more than a Caveman would wear, but less than modern man dresses in. African tribal women tend to adorn lots of necklaces, especially for ceremony. Also, some sturdy necklaces might make for slight armor. Preventing that "Death Neck Bite" that Lions are famous for. Hyenas have most of their strength in their neck, upper chest and shoulder area. So she has a fair amount of neck to put adornments on. Weaponry is to be kept simple too. I want to try to keep a Pre-Bronze age setting motif (kind of). So I am working with spears, clubs, and maaaaybe an axe.
I think I got the idea from a National Geographic film made around the time Lion King came out. It was specifically about Lions vs Hyenas. It is one of Nat Geos. more exciting and powerful documanteries. Here is a link to a YouTube clip highlighting some of the parts of Lions fighting Hyenas:
I want to note that I do not consider myself a "Furry". I simply happen to like to draw and dream up Anthro characters from time to time. I have been cyber-bullied and harassed maliciously once before simply because I was playing a Tauren in World of Warcraft and I made a dumb joke once. So yeh ... I know what that is all about and I am not part of it. One can have an appreciation for nature and it's fauna and still not be associated with some made-up cliche' class.