The President of the USA visited Boeing yesterday! WhooHoo! It was very awesome! Building up to the visit the factory was all a buzz. I usually park in the lot that is right at the head of the main runway for Flight Line. I got to see 6 blackhawk helicopters land all in succession in front of me. WOW, that was a sight to see.
Since I work 2nd shift, I didn't get to see the festivities, but I did watch the company vids and stuff. Obama's visit was exciting and such an honor. I am so glad to be working for a company that hosts such events for world dignitaries and stuff. It is so exciting and just something proud to be a part of. Boeing makes airplanes for customers all over the world and sometimes embasadors and dignitaries come into the factory to tour and see their purchace or sometimes just to see the wonder that is an airline factory. Everyday I like coming into work and being able to walk under a 747-8, or peer inside the wheelwell of a 787. It is something you cannot describe.
Oh ... yeh, the art thing - I was trained as an artist: Animator, Cartoon illustrator, Graphic Desgin. But I really enjoy being with the airplanes. It pays well - is union, more stable and is a marvel all the time. I still create my artwork, I just no longer feel the pressure of HAVE TO - to survive. It is a very liberating feeling to accept a new profession and learn new things. Here's some art I have done recently:

Kel'Thuzad -
"Your soul is Mine Now" a WIP sketch

"Wings" Designs I made for Cafe'Press shirts.
I got the shop on a 5 year deal from my Cintiq that I purchased. So I figured I might as well do something with it? My Cintiq WX was last year's tax return - and I absolutely love it!